Sabari Balasramam Sabari Balasramam Sabari Balasramam Sabari Balasramam


Heritage Bhavan !

               Aranmula, though a tiny hamlet is a divinely bestowed place. Here we have a bounty of cultural splendor and fiesta of arts that has always enshrined the grandeur of the place. However, inspite of having been bequeathed with the designation ‘Heritage Village’ owing to the rich cultural legacy the place enjoys, there is not much of a provision for onsite studies or specialized research activities. Aranmula is a cultural destination which should have a heritage museum, archaeological park, centre for data collection indigenous to the place, which will go a long way in imparting valuable information to the forth coming generations.The proposed project, ‘Heritage Bhavan’ aims at a revival of all lost glories and those that are likely to be pushed into oblivion and preservation of these cultural antiquities for all future use.The proposal is to have a single storey building of 5000 sq ft, where the ground floor will house the museum. The upper floor will be used for library, research centre, manuscript archive, conference hall

skill Development


Estimated Amount : 2,00,00,000 INR

S No Description Amount
1 Floor Area 10000 Squire Feet
2 Building No 1 5000 Squire Feet
3 Building No 2 5000 Squire Feet
4 Workshop (1 No) 500 Squire Feet(20*25)